Quicksilver0218's Site
Hello! I am Quicksilver0218 (Github). You can call me Quicksilver or my real name is Peter. Welcome to my site!
About Me
Property | Description |
Age | 28 years old. |
Gender | Male. |
Location | Hong Kong, China. |
Language | Chinese and English. |
Education | Graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Science in Internet and Multimedia Technologies, with the second class honours division 1. |
Profession | Web frontend & backend, mobile app and game programmer. |
Work Experience | 4.5 years. |
Interest | Playing, designing and developing games. |
If there is no place for me in this world, I will create one myself.
Personal Projects
Public Projects
- Object-Validator: A library providing functions that let users validate the values in objects with YAML-formatted rules.
- Nextjs-Material-UI-Template: A Next.js project template with TypeScript, SASS, Material UI installed and some common utility code included.
- React-Pagin: A lightweight element organizing React component that allows high customization for pagination.
- Held-Karp: A Held-Karp algorithm implementation written in C#.
Private Projects (only demonstration provided)
- Calculator: A calculator mobile app for iOS.
- API Alarm: An Android app that allows users to send HTTP(S) requests periodically and trigger alarms depending on the responses.
- AlphaZero: A simplified AlphaZero implementation written in Python with TensorFlow and Keras.
- Sudoku: A web-based Sudoku puzzle solver and generator.
More projects are coming soon.
Contact Me
If you want to work with or hire me, contact me at peterho0218@yahoo.com.hk.