Quicksilver0218's Site

Hello! I am Quicksilver0218 (Github). You can call me Quicksilver or my real name is Peter. Welcome to my site!

About Me

Property Description
Age 28 years old.
Gender Male.
Location Hong Kong, China.
Language Chinese and English.
Education Graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Science in Internet and Multimedia Technologies, with the second class honours division 1.
Profession Web frontend & backend, mobile app and game programmer.
Work Experience 4.5 years.
Interest Playing, designing and developing games.


If there is no place for me in this world, I will create one myself.

Personal Projects

Public Projects

  • Object-Validator: A library providing functions that let users validate the values in objects with YAML-formatted rules.
  • Nextjs-Material-UI-Template: A Next.js project template with TypeScript, SASS, Material UI installed and some common utility code included.
  • React-Pagin: A lightweight element organizing React component that allows high customization for pagination.
  • Held-Karp: A Held-Karp algorithm implementation written in C#.

Private Projects (only demonstration provided)

  • Calculator: A calculator mobile app for iOS.
  • API Alarm: An Android app that allows users to send HTTP(S) requests periodically and trigger alarms depending on the responses.
  • AlphaZero: A simplified AlphaZero implementation written in Python with TensorFlow and Keras.
  • Sudoku: A web-based Sudoku puzzle solver and generator.

More projects are coming soon.

Contact Me

If you want to work with or hire me, contact me at peterho0218@yahoo.com.hk.